Monday, November 28, 2011

The sky was on fire and we were all driving right underneath it.

I almost missed another sunset last night.
This is obviously no iPhone camera but it at least scratches the surface of the view.
The city lights just couldn't keep up with the show that was going on just a few feet above them.

What if the stars were only revealed to us once every ten years?
What if total black was the norm of the night?
What if the same stars that drape over Athens and the Andes tonight just held back a little?
What if they were rare?

Can you imagine the world's reaction when they showed themselves?

It's always happening right above our heads.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

"God, thank you for all you have done for me."
I think this is a good thing to say.
It's Thanksgiving and the turkey is on the table and I'm just thanking God for blessing me.
I never want to stop saying that.

However, I also really want to stop saying it.

I listed out what I am thankful for.
They all had to do with me.
I am very thankful for myself.

My thankfulness is also a very illuminating look into my desires.
I am thanking him for all of the things I think about, which all have to do with me.
This can lead to some pretty selfish Thanksgivings.
Why don't I ever thank God for what he is doing for the other 7 billion people that he really cares about?
Why don't I rejoice in their victories?

There is a map of the world on my wall that I took from a National Geographic magazine.
Russia, Canada, China...they are quite large when compared to the amount of space that my home and heart takes up.
God is doing great things in many other places.
If all I am thankful for is what is happening to me then my Thanksgivings will always be too small and my rejoicing too reserved.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Latest design.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Paul and I went to hear some jazz at Churchill Grounds a couple weeks ago.
I scratched notes on a small piece of paper throughout.
Here are the ones I can read:

"You know I hear ya."
The players didn't start; they were just in.
Slow piano jam with closed eyes.
"Joel, you gotta remember that one, man," while pointing at his head.
Trumpet players laugh when song is finished.
Feel the ghosts and the notes.
They know they killed it.
Climbing a mountain.
I'm surrounded with freedom.
No patterns.
No cell phones.
Oriental guy taking pictures all night.
Carrot cake.
Cool hats rank the veterans.
An army of cool.
Light falling from candles on faces.
Why won't this culture die?
Loud curses in breaths solo breaks.
Kept playing when amp broke.
African drums strapped to floor.
All communication with no talking.
Players walk in off street blazing in right key.
Trumpet trio from bar stools in back blowing cold on my neck.
Couple sitting as close as possible.
She's in his lap.
Couple talking about breaking up.
Total silence during bass solo with a broken amp.
Wind blowing leaves outside in the yellow street.
Taking a swim.
Smell of alcohol.
Play to the room.
Play what you see.
Red walls, empty chairs, grooving souls.
Heads setting tempo...backward, forward, backward, forward.
God, we are all groaning.
What will they do next?
Question every listener must ask if they are being inspired.
Not playing for anyone but the foggy world behind their eyes.
Hands are an extension of the soul...crushing and smashing.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Relationship advice from John Mark McMillan:

"But love, it ain't like the chemicals, babe,
Cause the chemicals don't hang around.
Everybody's drilling for the fountain of youth,
But sometimes in these fountains they drown."

Are we building our relationships on the last kiss or the first one?

Monday, November 14, 2011

The old man is dead, but the bluebird still comes around. There he is right out this window looking in just to make sure it's really over. I wonder if he has done this every day since the man went higher than the sky. After all these years I figured that bird would have moved on. All the humans have. The feed isn't ever put out anymore and that workshop door hasn't done as much as made a creak to signal meal time. Well, it was a quick visit. He must have just swooped down to pay his respects. The old man is up beyond the birds now and has long forgotten them, but they are still down here remembering.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Perfect post for the perfect day.
Cheesy one-liner? Check.
I had to.

An old picture of Lauren that I just found.

Sunrise eyes.

Come on...are you serious?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I'm singing "The River" by Garth Brooks in my head right now as I post these photos.

A few things I learned on this most recent paddle:
-Leave the music in your headphones low so you can still hear the paddles push the water.
-Hang the head end of your hammock a foot higher or your feet will be the only things falling asleep.
-It gets dark early this time of year...really early. Don't forget your flashlight next time.
-I'd rather have a sailboat than a speedboat. People on sailboats actually feel the water not just the waves.
-Islands are great camping spots for peace of mind. There are no big predators on them...right?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

We've heard people say that everything will work out for good.
Well, my friend Dean put it a different way the other day.

"The good will work you out."

What does it fully mean?
I'm still working on figuring that out.
But I like it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

"And I commend joy, for man has no good thing under the sun but to eat and drink and be joyful, for this will go with him in his toil through the days of his life that God has given him under the sun."

I guess it's pretty simple, really.
Eat. Drink. Be joyful.
I have been given a set amount of days and they are counting down.
These three things are all I can do with them.
These three things prove that every feeling, situation, outlook, response, and desire are just decisions.
Be joyful.
It will go with you.
You can take into every moment.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Party Rockin Couple, Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Yoshi ran the town.

Life Lesson:
If your friends are going to get together for a Halloween party, you just have to go all out.
The thrift store will always come through for you.

Vests...unknown old lady.
Purple girl pants...dude who finally gave in and got some Levi's and cut off the swoop hairdo.

We Wopped and Wobbled so hard that it sent the Cuban Shuffle back to '01 where it belongs.
We represented Celine and LFO out of the land of karaoke and sent them into the realm of mythical memories where they deserve to be.
Yoshi, thanks for bringing the camera.